Curiosity and exploration are important to me

A big part of why I got into the SWE world was my fascination with the latest technology. I like to explore the always-emerging new AI tools, frameworks, and languages by experimenting building with them. Below are some examples of my work.

AI Language Bot

Learning a new language can be difficult. Users may reach a point where they are well practiced enough that tools like Duolingo are no longer useful, yet conversing with native speakers is still out of reach. My AI language bot helps bridge that gap by providing an environment where users can practice verbally speaking a new language while having the safety net of reading live transcripts and pausing to formulate responses.

Big-O Calculator

Using LangChain and OpenAI, I created this page for students to use with past exams that were released online. It is designed to search through a PDF of one of our prior exams and solve Bit-O analysis questions, while also providing an explanation of the final answer.

Sorting Algorithms Visualizer

As a former Intro to CS instructor, a problematic topic for many students is sorting algorithms and how they work. This often arises from focusing too much on reading algorithm code, rather than understanding what happens to the structure as it is sorted. I created this website for students to watch the step-by-step changes that happen to an array while it is being sorted, providing deeper understanding of the method and time complexity

Additional Projects

A full collection of my personal projects can be found below on the project page of my other website


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